Kacie D.- Midtown Sacramento Senior Photoshoot


Kacie's Senior portrait session was a long time in the making. Kacie has been on my spokesmodel team for over a year and she’s such a cool chick! Her personal style is amazing, her confidence in front of the camera has grown ten-fold, and she’s an incredible hip-hop dancer and all-around smarty-pants who graduated early and wants to work for NASA… WHOA! Her looks were a mix of her amazing items from home and great pieces from my LMC Style Closet! I loved every single outfit.

We went from casual to glam all while maintaining her personal aesthetic and I’m HERE FOR IT! Kacie’s hair was done by Korynn and Makeup by Ari you can click their names for links to their Instagram accounts!

After getting hair and makeup done at the studio, we headed to Midtown Sacramento to a cool spot with colorful graffiti walls, and just around the corner are amazing textured walls which was the perfect spot for her first two looks.


After that, it was time for a Hair & Makeup change!


When Propagate Sac opened a few months before this shoot, I become OBSESSED with how cute it was. It’s a boutique plant shop filled with lush green botanicals, varying shades of terra cotta pots, beautiful brick walls and dark wooden shelving. It’s simply GORGEOUS. So as Kacie was getting her hair and makeup changed, I called them and asked if it would be ok if we could shoot inside? The manager was more than happy to oblige since I was kind enough to call first but also told us, if the shop got too busy we would have to stop, which was perfectly reasonable. This gorgeous spot provided great light for this photographer to work with. I could NOT be happier with being able to shoot here, which was just down the block from the graffiti walls.


Honestly, this is one of my favorite outfits I’ve ever styled and Kacie was the PERFECT subject! I even got a lovely Snakeplant (Starfish Sansevieria) I’ve named “Georgia” after the sweet clerk that helped us out and I have rehomed “Georgia” into a very cute pot I also got from Propagate!


Soon after, we headed back to the studio for the final looks! While the HMUA team took their lunch break, I shot some images in-studio of Kacie in this GORGEOUS jumpsuit she brought from home! If she ever doesn’t want it anymore… I definitely want it for my Style Closet! How cute is this outfit!?


Last, but certainly not least, we had the final outfit… this was SO fun! As Kacie and I were trying out outfits for her, during her styled shoot we landed on this combo which blew us both away for her more editorial look! It totally gave us Harry Styles vibes, so I had to do an album cover edit too of course.


Hope you enjoyed checking out this Senior Portrait Session with Kacie as much as I enjoyed shooting it! If you’re a Teen or Senior looking to book a session check out my packages for High School Seniors and Teens & Tweens for more information on booking.


Model Headshot Session with Claire


The Perfect Prep for a Photoshoot