The first meet up of our Senior Squad was earlier this summer and we had a blast getting to know each other. We had a magical morning photoshoot in Land Park in the heart of Sacramento. This beautiful late Spring day was the perfect backdrop for these incredibly smart and driven high school seniors who make up the 2025 Senior Squad at Lacey M. Carroll Photography!

Mya and her answers below:

1) What is something that stood out to you at our Welcome photoshoot?

I loved how sweet and welcoming everyone was! 

2) What inspired you to join the LMCP Senior Squad?

Wanting experience new things and meet new people. 
) Any extracurriculars (clubs, sports, school positions) you want to shout out or mention that you do?

I play soccer! 
What's one goal you have for yourself before graduation in 2025?

One Goal I have before I graduate is to come more out of my comfort zone 

5) What are you looking forward to going into your Senior Year?

I am most looking forward to experiencing all of the senior activities! 

Alexis and her answers below:

1) What is something that stood out to you at our Welcome photoshoot?

All the different styles that occurred even if we had the same colors to pick from. It was a bunch of fun getting to know everyone and the people I will be working with.

2) What inspired you to join the LMCP Senior Squad? 
I talked to people who had worked with you before and liked your work so I thought that I could apply. I heard it was fun so I knew it was a good idea to join the team.

3) Any extracurriculars (clubs, sports, school positions) you want to shout out or mention that you do?

Well I went out with an ACL tear last summer so I had to stop playing sports. I am president of my schools space club who works with NASA and have been for the past three years. I will tryout for high school and competitive volleyball this year.

4) What's one goal you have for yourself before graduation in 2025?
I want to be more comfortable in my body and with my choices. I had a really hard time accepting how tall I am compared to others but I’m hoping this will change how I look at myself.

5) What are you looking forward to going into your Senior Year?

School wise, I’m looking forward to having all the art classes I can take. For the team I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone and seeing everyone’s interest.

Fía and her answers below:

1) What is something that stood out to you at our Welcome photoshoot?

Something that stood out to me at the Welcome photoshoot was the positive collaboration everyone had. From the parents being there, to the new Senior Squad spokesmodels learning quickly, there was without a doubt a strong energy that everyone fed on to support one another and have an amazing shoot!

2) What inspired you to join the LMCP Senior Squad? 

I was inspired to join the LMCP Senior Squad because Lacey and her team are always so encouraging and I had known Lacey since I was a freshman. I wanted to spend my last year of high school with the people that I love and Lacey is most definitely one of them. Lacey has provided the best experience for me whenever we have a photoshoot or just a conversation. 

3) Any extracurriculars (clubs, sports, school positions) you want to shout out or mention that you do?

I have been involved in my school and community to help build the culture as I and a few other spokesmodels on the team will be the first graduating class at WCHS! My passion will always be in dance and I have been training for a few years now. As of this year I was part of my school’s student council and joined the swim team.

4) What's one goal you have for yourself before graduation in 2025?

One goal that I have for myself before graduation in 2025 is to be more mindful of the people who put effort to get me to the place I am in right now. I want to be able to reflect with appreciation for everything I have and enjoy the time I have remaining in high school with the people who support me and that I love.

5) What are you looking forward to going into your Senior Year?

I am looking forward to applying for colleges and getting to plan for the next big step in life. Prioritizing my higher education is very important to me and being in Senior Year will allow me to see the potential me and so many other students have to become leaders. I am excited to try new things as a senior and get closer to my friends, family, and community.

Mya and her answers below:

1) What is something that stood out to you at our Welcome photoshoot? 

The welcome shoot was great to see how much the team members from seasons past have grown up!  It was great hearing all the talks of the last year of high school and plans for after high school.

2) What inspired you to join the LMCP Senior Squad? 

I was introduced to the squad at the end of my freshman year, it has been the best experience and helped me realize I LOVE modeling.  Every year in the past has flown by so I'm grateful to capture my final year while on the Senior Squad. 

3) Any extracurriculars (clubs, sports, school positions) you want to shout out or mention that you do?  

I am a senior at an Elk Grove high school where I cheer, am a member of Link Crew, and run track.  I have been a dancer with Kast Academy of the Arts for 5 years and am heading into my 6th!

4) What's one goal you have for yourself before graduation in 2025? 

One goal I have for this year is to make as many connections and bonds with new and old friends, as possible.  I want to go to college knowing that regardless of my distance, I'll have so many friendships and relationships to hold onto. 

5) What are you looking forward to going into your Senior Year? 

There is so much to look forward to, but my mind always goes to the ACTUAL graduation.  I am looking forward to walking across that stage and, by then, I will know what college I'll be attending!

McKenna and her answers below:

1) What is something that stood out to you at our Welcome photoshoot?

How fun and inviting everyone was. I loved all the enthusiasm we all have for the year ahead!! 

2) What inspired you to join the LMCP Senior Squad? 
This will be my third year working with Lacey and there is no one else I’d want to photograph and capture my last year of highschool!! 

3) Any extracurriculars (clubs, sports, school positions) you want to shout out or mention that you do?

Theatre!! It’s my favorite thing in the world and I can’t wait to pursue it in college. 

4) What's one goal you have for yourself before graduation in 2025?
My biggest goal I have before graduating is to soak in every second of this last year at home and end this chapter of my life in the best possible way!

5) What are you looking forward to going into your Senior Year?

Excited to start working towards my future while also being able to look back on the past!

Kaedyn and her answers below:

  1. What is something that stood out to you at our Welcome photoshoot?

    Something that stood out to me at the welcome photo shoot were the amazing vibes that me and the other girls had. Due to us getting along so well I am very excited to do more photo shoots with them. 

  2. What inspired you to join the LMCP Senior Squad? 

    The diversity and the amazing quality of the pictures Lacey takes inspired me to want to join the senior team. Seeing girls that looked like me get photographed so beautifully made me want to also partake in the senior squad. I also loved my Junior sessions which made me want to come back. 

  3. Any extracurriculars (clubs, sports, school positions) you want to shout out or mention that you do?

    I am a Lasallian Student Ambassador at my school as well as being on ASB. I competitively dance and will be competing for the second time at World of Dance. 

  4. What's one goal you have for yourself before graduation in 2025?

    One goal I have for myself is to stay organized through senior season and to  also continue to thrive and cherish this time in High-school because it is going by so fast. 

  5. What are you looking forward to going into your Senior Year?

    I am looking forward to my ASB position and being able to be more involved in the school spirit part of my school. I will be attending a multitude of football and basketball games and I look forward to cheering on my school as commissioner of the Falcon Force. 


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