Sacramento Senior Portrait Photographer

Listen, we get it. Running a small business is A LOT. You are the CEO, CFO, COO, Chief Marketing Exec, Admin, HR, and so so much more. Being one of Sacramento’s top Senior Portraits photographer took a decade of hard work, tireless trials and errors, and lots of lists. :)

5 Ways To Improve Your Photography Business This Year

So here’s a simple list to help you grow your photography business this year.

  1. Utilize social media – Social media is a great way to promote your photography business and reach potential clients. But it’s more than just posting a photo! Create reels and TikTok videos! You can use apps like snaptik to easily move a TikTok to a Reel! 

  2. Blog Posts -  Blog posts give you a platform to write about past photoshoots, highlight areas of your business that you want to promote, and helps boost your SEO so your website shows up towards the top of potential clients searches! Blogs don’t have to be a lot, they can be simple 5 item lists that can potentially grow your viewership!

  3. Take courses – Taking courses can help you improve your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in photography. (Link to CEO) 

  4. Network – Networking is an important part of any business. Connect with other photographers and attend industry events. (Link Push) 

  5. Focus on customer service – Good customer service is key to running a successful business. Make sure you are responsive to customer inquiries and provide a great experience.

5 Tips To Grow Your Photography Business by Lacey M. Carroll Photography


Kara’s Senior Portraits in Sacramento |Lacey M. Carroll Photography


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