Cooper’s Posh Teen Session! | Teen Couture Portraits

A teen boy in black and white western wear poses confidently on the Tower Bridge in Old Sacramento, California.

This Golden Boy In front of the Tower Bridge (famously Golden!) in Downtown Sacramento, CA.

Cooper is the only boy on Team LMCP 2022. I have had a few in years past, but they are few and far between, but I get so excited when the right guy comes along and will be a GREAT fit on the team! Team LMCP welcomes all genders and in-between to be a part of Team LMCP and having Cooper being a part of this season has been such a wonderful experience!

Cooper is a freshman and has SO many talents. A modern renaissance man being skilled in so many areas. He’s a dancer, musical theatre artist, model, debate team member, crafter, card maker, artist, and has a credit on HBO’s Craftopia Holiday Special. He’s a busy guy who is growing into such a kind and responsible young man!

We met up before sunrise on a HOT early August morning to shoot Cooper’s Posh Teen Session. He opted for two hair looks instead of 1 makeup + 1 hair look. We were more than happy to accommodate as we have a really talented HMUA team to pull from! Most sessions will begin with meeting at my Sacramento Photo Studio to begin the Hair and Makeup process but this shoot was a bit different. We decided to skip the studio meet up and head straight to the first location. So, before the sun came up in Old Sacramento Cooper, myself, his mom Nicole, and Mai prepped Cooper’s hair and started to create the stunning images you see here! The styling, location, and hair looks were all totally collaborative! Cooper is always very involved in the creative process with me and I love that. The more ideas and inspiration you have for a photoshoot you book with me, the better! We can begin to see what styles, locations, posing, aesthetic keep coming up and call out to us.

A teen boy in black and white western wear poses along the Sacramento River Walk in downtown Sacramento, California.

Teen portraits in Sacramento, CA

A teen boy in black and white western wear posing confidently in Old Sacramento California for his teen portraits session.

Old Sacramento, Teen Portraits

A confident teen boy in a nice suit jacket and jeans poses in a photo studio based in Old Sacramento, California.

Sacramento Teen Portraits

A confident teen boy poses in a retro 70s styled set in Old Sacramento, California. He is barefoot with longer hair wearing a retro jacket and jeans.

Sacramento Photographer

A confident teen boy in a Y2K style silver puffer jacket and all black tracksuit underneath. He is modeling in the Lacey M. Carroll Photography photo studio in Sacramento.

Sacramento Photography

A confident teen boy in a Y2K style silver puffer jacket and all black tracksuit underneath. He is modeling in the Lacey M. Carroll Photography photo studio in Sacramento.

Sacramento Photographer

Teen Portraits in Sacramento

Sacramento Photography

I have to say, Mai is an absolute rockstar! She is so talented and just a kind and helpful person to boot! I love working alongside her!

Nicole and Cooper have been great clients for years now. It’s been amazing watching Cooper grown into the confident teen he’s become. Nicole is also a client of mine! She participated in my last Headshot Day with her colleague, Carly to get some fresh Realtor Headshots. It was such a fun time and I learned so much about Nicole.

One of my favorite things about photoshoots with my teens and seniors and their parents is when I hear fun stories about them as little kids. Nicole brought up this time that tiny Cooper (4 or 5 years old) cut his own hair. DO YOU SEE THIS HAIR!? lol When Nicole asked Cooper what happened, he blamed it on his grandma! Grandma used to joke his hair was too long and that gave Cooper the perfect alibi. hahahaha Kids say the darnedest things sometimes.

This guy shines brighter than this silver puffer jacket! So happy to be a part of Cooper’s high school story. Love having him on the team and so glad we won’t be having his Senior Portraits for another three years! lol

This fun orange editorial look was definitely Cooper’s favorite! The smile on his face during the Fashion consult said it all! This really cool Zara sweater I found a few years back has been styled in MANY ways and this one is one of my FAVORITES! Cooper never shies away from high fashion looks and I am here for it! This fun Studio session in Sacramento was the best! And who doesn’t love a pop of orange!?

Until Next Time,



Ava’s Ultimate Tween Couture Session | Sacramento, CA


SNAPSHOT CONFERENCE 2022| Teen & Senior Photographers’ Paradise