Sacramento Comedy Spot Headshot Day | Lacey M. Carroll Photography

Earlier this year I hosted a Special Headshot Day at my second home, The Sacramento Comedy Spot. This wonderful Comedy Theatre has highly rated and hilarious comedy shows 5 nights a week! There’s Stand-Up, Improvisation, and Sketch Comedy shows there monthly.
I wanted to offer my second home an amazing deal so I worked with Brian and Tina (the two who make the Comedy Spot function) to set this private Headshot Day up.
I host my public Headshot Days at my Sacramento Photo Studio but since this one was a private event just for the Comedy Spot so I packed up two of my studio lights, backdrop, my photography backpack, and my husband to assist me and we headed to the Comedy Spot. That day we had six performers come in for headshots! These hilarious people are not only performers, they are professionals in their fields. Accounting, TV production, State Employees, and the list goes on. These folks are wonderful and well rounded and absolutely deserve to have headshots not only for the performer profiles on the Comedy Spot webpage but also for their professional lives. I heard several say they had plans to use these for their Teams Profiles, LinkedIn, websites, and castings.
We set up our travel photo studio in the front lobby of the theatre. I wanted to take advantage of the wondeful natural light the Comedy Spot gets during the day. It’s really beautiful and a lot of people never see it because the comedy spot is only open during the evening unless theres some kind of special event. Speaking of, The Big Day Of Giving is May 4th and the Comedy Spot is participating! Their fundraising goal is $30.000! It would mean so much if you took some time to to donate to this impactful non-profit on BigDOG May 4th!

Shooting Professional Headshots is always so much fun. Being able to capture your personality and your spark in an image is what I love about my job.
If you’re thinking of upgrading your dusty headshots look no further!
I’ve planned another public Headshot Day for Friday, July 21st!
Sign up now to grab your spot, they will fill up early!